Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation

  • Their are many things I liked about this class like having the opportunity of learning how to increase my typing skills. another thing I like about the class is that i have gotten a chance of acquiring the knowledge of many motivational quotes and learning many things about many different jobs.
  • Their was honestly nothing about the class I do not like about this class it was all good. 
  • I do not have any recommendations for improving this class because I believe that this class is good enough already and I do not see that improvements are necessary.
  • For me choosing my highlight is difficult because I think I did an evenly ok  job with my work but if their was one it would probably when we worked on our workbook.
  • I do believe that I did my best in this class but I don't think that I have reached to my full potential for this class but i did try my best.
  • I am writing in life planning goals journal but i am not doing it daily and also i am not reporting it as much as i have to but i am writing for five minuets.
  • I do believe that I am committed but not as much as I want to but I do think choosing the right is better than not choosing the right.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


What I have seen in this video was that people were taking a test and their was some students that wanted to cheat and this one girl was thinking whether to cheat or not then she had a flashback to the same situation that students were cheating and this one guy stands up and says that he left his wife and kids to get a herd job to support them and that he will turn in anyone that he sees that is cheating and so that year they had a higher percentage of students that graduated. Therefore the first student decided not to cheat and just use her brain to pass the class.

"when you tell one lie, it leads to another" - paul hatch

I strongly agree to this quote by paul because it is absolutely true one lie always leads to another. The point that he is trying to say is that to try not to say any lies at all even if it is big or small because lying will always lead to trouble and sooner or later the people that you lied to will find out the truth of you that you lied and for that you might of lost their respect to you because you have lied to them multiple times that even you have lost count to the lies you said. The point of this quote is that to not lie to protect yourself and not lose any respect by anyone.

Friday, December 9, 2016

"Always do right"- Mark Twain

I strongly agree with this person because their is nothing better than always doing the right thing because in some way for the actions that you have been doing the right thing you will be rewarded or acknowledged for the right that you have been doing. It is nice to be noticed for the good deeds that you have been doing therefore you and others around you will enjoy and be supportive for the right that you are doing and the right you have done before. If one continues to do this their life would be a joyful life and it might be beneficial for them in many ways that can help yourself or one another.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

"it's better to be alone than to be in bad company." - unknown

In this case i do believe that being alone is a better decision than doing something that will make you look bad or that you will lose your pride of being a CTR person. By being alone you have the advantage of doing work for school and not being distracted. If one were to be in bad company you will lose a lot of precious time that can be used for something that can benefit you in life such as getting good grades in the classes you need it for. For instance you could be studying for a test that will benefit you a lot or be in bad company and most likely fail it and lose your chance for something that could have possibly changed your life.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenges Teens Face Today

Some major challenges that teens have been facing is that they are being bullied through the internet or in school. Other challenges that they face is that they are getting into drugs when their parents are not home. Challenges that affect most teens is probably grades. Broken homes are also one of the challenges that they face. Some teens may have a low self esteem that they find as a challenge. Challenges that I face today is grades and stress. What i am doing is trying harder on my work for school. Being a CTR person helps me because it reminds me what i have to do and continue doing to stay a CTR person. I can help other teens by showing the CTR way and offering help in any way.  

The greatest need that teens have is that have is that they need guidance on which is the correct path to take and how to stay on course and guidance on how to reach to the end of success and not failure.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

" physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of a dynamic and creative intellectual activity. intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." - John F. Kennedy

I strongly believe that this statement from this president is absolutely true in many ways that i am sure that a lot of people can agree to this statement and agree with me that that is the only way also if everyone was healthy they would all have the potential of working at full capacity and reach goals that one wouldn't think that they were able to reach or even think that they would reach.
Image result for physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of a dynamic and creative intellectual activity. intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong. - John F. Kennedy

health sciences librarian

Duties and responsibilities: A health science librarian researches on different medical topics so they can find the latest information available. They are in charge of  arranging and distributing clinical, scientific, and biomedical information, journals, and electronic databases. Health science librarians are skilled at producing detailed bibliographies related to many different health fields.
Salary: their salary is about $66,622 per year
Education: you will need a bachelor's degree in Library Science or Health Science.
Demand or need: the demand for this job profession is that they will need to be open minded while at work for all the information that they will need to research.

Reflection: i might not want to have this as a job because i may not have that much patience while on this job therefore i will not be able to do good with my low patience. I also have different jobs in mind that i want.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

thanksgiving week

In my thanksgiving week i was working 6 days excluding thanksgiving day. I saw the Chivas soccer game. I also did some homework for English. On Wednesday night me, my brothers and cousins went to buffalo wild wings right after we went to the LA gun clubs firing range. On thanksgiving day it was just me, my parents and brothers and sisters that got together and celebrated thanksgiving. It was also my sister's birthday that week and we also celebrated that day. On Saturday night my cousins and i went to the LA auto show and we saw many nice looking cars that we wished that we could of afford. My free time during that week I just either watch Netflix or played some video games. Overall i worked and made money. I didn’t go to buy stuff on black Friday because their was nothing that I wanted and I also didn’t want to spend my money. It was a pretty chill week that I spend with my family.

Friday, November 18, 2016

"Manners maketh man" - William wykeham

Manners is a very important quality to have for yourself. If you do not have manners you are no true man. True men with respect and most importantly manners. It is very possible that anyone and everyone  has the power to achieve the quality of having manners. Manners is basically the building blocks of ones personality.having manners is basically showing that you have self respect and without it you have no self respect.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Marcus Aurelius

This statement is very true and everyone should follow this statement because if everyone did their will be less of bad situations occurring in this society will be reduced dramatically for everyone and everyone will be more happy and calm this society would be more organized and true to itself. An example of if it's not right don't do it would be like killing someone because taking someone's life is not right and they should not do it   and a another example for if it's not true don't say it would be like lying because liers bring trouble even if it's small or big t will always bring trouble and it is very bad.


In the year of 1621 the plymouth  colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving that has been celebrated. It wasn’t until 1863, that in the middle of the civil war that president Abraham Lincoln claimed that thanksgiving is a national holiday held each November. visit from an Abenaki Indian who greeted them in English.he returned with another Native American, Squanto, a member of the Patuxet tribe Squanto taught the Pilgrims, how to cultivate corn, extract sap from maple trees, catch fish in the rivers and avoid poisonous plants. He also helped the settlers an alliance with the Wampanoag, a local tribe, which would endure for more than 50 years and tragically remains one of the sole examples of harmony between European colonists and Native Americans.

Monday, November 14, 2016

"doing what is right, fair and honorable is more imprtant then winning or losing." - Chick Moorman

If one is doing what is right, fair and honorable it would be a form of winning because the good feeling of doing and completing something right would feel like a win even though that no one may know but you that you did something that had a good effect with something or someone else. If one keeps choosing the right and doing what is right all that good feeling will be wins to you.. you will be your own sense of accomplishment and you will feel good about yourself and be happy for yourself.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Veterans day

Veterans day is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War I. veterans day is celebrated on November 11th. The purpose of veterans day is that to celebrate the signing of the armistice which ended the World War 1. It is important to continue honoring veterans because it is a way of showing respect because of the sacrifices they have made while serving their country. Ways to show respect on veterans day is by saying thank you and by help supporting by donating to the USO.

My feeling toward veterans day is the feeling of respect and of gratitude because they successfully fought and won a war that i could of probably not be able to handle and because they had sacrificed more than an average person also because the extreme tension of noticing that people have 2 options and it's live or die.

Monday, November 7, 2016

These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity." - W. Clement Stone

  1. Have the courage to say no
  2. Have the courage to face the truth
  3. Do the right thing because it is right

I do believe that the only way to live life with high integrity is by only these three keys but i do feel that their might be more ways to live it with integrity  but these points might be the main ways but i am pretty sure that their might be more anyone can choose which way to go to but there's always an option that anyone can choose from

Thursday, November 3, 2016

He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed proverb 13:20

I truly believe that this statement is very accurate because a crowd with smart CTW people they all will most likely to be good and intelligent but a crowd with a couple of fools will change everyone to a fool but if you CTW and notice what your actions are affecting you then you will know if you are doing the right thing but if you are aware of the wrong that you are doing than the best thing you can do is to turn the other way and avoid the wrong that you are causing and go to a place where all you are doing is right. If you do choose the right nothing but success will be coming to your way and it is better if you do get this greatness because you will feel accomplished and with that advantage you can do way more then what you originally expected.Therefore try to always CTR and not CTW.
Image result for proverb 13 20

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

"The best recreation is to do good."- William Penn

I do not have an exact or specific feeling towards this quote because this quote can mean different things to each person but in my opinion is that it might be true that doing good might be by the best recreation but i am not sure but in other prospective it might not even be good it can possibly be the opposite or that their might be people that will disagree to this quote. Re creating to possibly make it the best may not mean the only way is by doing good there might be other ways to do this but by doing good might be one of the big parts of doing good and the main but their could be other ways as well I am not sure what other ways might their be but it could be possible.
Image result for William Penn

Friday, October 28, 2016

" Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it." - william penn

this quote has many meanings to it and one of the meanings that i have spotted is that this shows that you do not have to listen to what anyone thinks in what you do like if it is the right thing to do and everyone is disagreeing with you but you for sure know that it is truly the right thing to do then you go ahead and do it. if an action that you come across with and you know that that action is wrong and you truly know that it is wrong but everyone around you is for it that action will most likely might be wrong. in these types of situation you are the only person that can judge yourself and you are the only person that can say what to do or what not to do. you are the only one that can say if something is truly right or truly wrong. just follow you heart and see what it says.
Image result for william penn

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"don"t sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. write down what you want most and see it often."- peter vidmar

i do believe that this statement can be very helpful an useful for most people that will do this and it is very inspiring since he used this method and it shows that this is very effective since he did this himself and it shows that it works because one of his goals was to be apart of the Olympic team and he actually made it their using his own method. this method can be very beneficial to the people that try it and commit to it and they will be surprised on how effective it is. it goes to show that and achievable dream you have can be don easier than they thought but of course their will be obstacle that will show up that you need to overcome but its possible.


Homecoming is an annual tradition in the united state where certain events take place in either highschool or college and the events are that they play a football game in their home school and usually the next day their is a homecoming dance.the origins of the first homecoming celebration remain largely contested. Baylor, Illinois and Missouri are three of the frontrunners, all having planned and held their first "coming home" celebrations around 1910. Students who are currently in high school celebrate homecoming to show school spirit and support whatever athletic teams. Activities that occur during homecoming is usually home games for sports and dances. It is called homecoming game because the sport that is playing has the home game. Homecoming etiquette is usually a dance after the homecoming game.

Homecoming is great to express your school spirit and a great place to hang out with your friends in those series of events that are occurring.

Monday, October 24, 2016

"a good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life"- Mike Krzyzewski

If the good name paints a good picture about you and your family than it is better than what anything else that you can achieve because if you you can be recognized with all the good deeds you have done and all the great accomplishment than it can be beneficial and you can get good recognition that can keep you happy and you will be aware of all your accomplishments and deeds that you have done to help not just to yourself but to others.
Image result for "a good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life"- Mike Krzyzewski

Thursday, October 20, 2016

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." proverbs 22:1

the statement can be very controversial i many ways because many people will argue weather or not this is true. not everyone will agree to this because they rather have great riches than have good name although some people would like it the other way around. me personally if i were to choose one of them it would be difficult for me to decide. I will need to have deep thoughts about this statement to choose which one i would like to have than the other as of now I'm not choosing until i have come to a conclusion on which one is beneficial than the other.
Image result for "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." proverbs 22:1

Health Educator

Duties and Responsibilities: Health educators create programs that encourage health and wellness, and prevent disease. They teach people how to make good health decisions, incorporate healthy activities into their lives and avoid harmful behaviors.
Salary: the yearly salary of a health educator is about  $41,830
Education: to get a job like this you need to get a bachelor's degree
Demand: the demand for this profession by the people is that if they can be descriptive in what they are saying and explain it in a well manner

Reflection: i do not think that i will be a health educator because i am not the type of person to teach very well in front of a group of people or good at teaching at all.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

healthcare administrator

Duties and responsibility:  the duties of a healthcare administrator is a hand ful because they have to do many things like help operate the hospital clinic and managed care organization or public health agency
Salary:  the yearly salary of a healthcare administrator is about $103,700
Education: a bachelor's degree is sufficient enough to get an entry level job but a master's degree is better to have
Demand: the demand for the healthcare administrators from the people is that if they can treat them with care because you do not know how the patient's mental status is

Reflection: I do not like this work environment so I do not think that I will like to chose this profession